Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Minutes of First General Meeting

Hello Folks! Hope all is well with you. Just a quick update to let you know what types of service projects and other exciting things we have planned for you this semester….


ALERT ALERT: This weekend is the Martin Luther King service challenge – this who have shown interest are Shelby, Jess, Gibson, Dryden and Priscilla.
If you are interested in helping out please let one of us know ASAP.

Other projects include…..

Habitat for Humanity

Boys and Girl’s Club

Miracle League


If you have any service ideas and think we would be interested in doing them contact Mary or one of the board members with your idea. We are open to any and all suggestions!


Clean Water – We will be working with this organization in hopes of planning a fun water gun fight and donating through that cause.  (Once we get the link from Pricilla you will get an email if interested)

Basketball – Victoria will work to see what types of volunteer opportunities we can work with through our very own College of Charleston Cougars J


Although our fellowship chair was sick this evening (poor John L) they have been discussing prior to our meeting about planning 3 big fellowships in hope that we can plan them around other people’s schedules in order to have a better turn out and a chance to really bond with our fellow memebers.

There has also been talk of a possible camping trip so GET EXCITED.

Wiiiiiiiiii…….     Yup I said it, Wii. We will be planning a day for Wii and a basketball game and/or dodgeball game.

And in other news…..
KoKo has made us a blog! Way to step it up KoKo! We will post about upcoming events, the minutes and other important information on it so we will give you the info on it once it is up and running!

PLEDGE WEEK IS FROM JANUARY 23-27 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) from 7-8 on all three days. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. No that does not mean show up if it doesn’t interfere with a rerun of Jersey Shore…that means show up because you are a member of this organization and your participation is vital to our success.

Victoria will email the people in charge of room assignments to try to get a definite room for the semester and we will keep you posted with what happens with that. Since the people are jerks and won’t respond to Kari in a timely manner…or at all for that matter.

And last but certainly not least. Sectionals (Section 76/77 2012 Conference) are in exactly one month from tomorrow and if you are going we need to know ASAP. So check your calendars and get back to us if you are interested by the next meeting (Friday is ideal because the prices raise after this week) but we understand the short notice and hope that you will consider). This is not for just executive members, this is open to any and all members of Alpha Phi Omega and hope that you will consider going to represent our school. I heard it was super exciting last year and I will hope to go this year. Plus its in Atlanta…holler! The dates are February 10-12 so please mark your calendars and let us know if your going!

I think that sums up our meeting. If I left anything out I apologize but it’s been a while since I’ve done this. Hope you all have a fantastic rest of the week and I will see you ALL next Wednesday.


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