Q. Is APO Greek?

A. No. We are a fraternity insofar as we use a lot of the same terms the Greek system does (rush, pledge, etc), we are a national organization with rituals and tradition, and there is a good sense of camaraderie and bonding among our members. But we are not associated with IFC or Panhel in any way.

Q. Do I have to go through a "rush" process to join APO?

A. Technically, yes, but it is extremely easy and not very similar to the rush you would participate in for greek houses. After our mass meeting, we hold a series of "rush" events, which are open to anyone interested in joining APO (these often include service projects, happy hours, and a fellowship event like Rock 'n' Bowl). It gives you a chance to get to know members of APO and see if it's something you'd like to be a part of. There is no "bid" selection--anyone who wants to be a member of APO can join.

Q. What does it mean to be an APO "pledge"?

A. Your first semester in APO will be full of opportunities to learn about the organization and find your place in it. That is the essence of the pledge process. You will undergo an initiation ritual, and be assigned to a "big" -- an older APO member who will answer any questions you have and help you figure out the ins and outs of APO. You will attend all the same meetings as the Active Brothers do, and you will also attend pledge meetings, which help you get to know other people as well as the history and purpose of APO. Click here for the Pledge Requirements.

Q. Does APO haze?

A. No. Hazing is against University and APO policy.

Q. Does APO have a house?

A. No. Our Chapter's meetings take place in the Maybank Building.

Q. I already belong to a greek fraternity or sorority. Can I still join APO?

A. Absolutely. APO is open to any student on campus, and since we are not Greek, joining APO does not conflict with your ability to join or remain a member in a greek house.

Q. What are APO's membership requirements?

A. To be an active member, you must complete 15 hours of service, attend meetings regularly, and serve on a committee. However, there are other options for members who encounter a particularly hectic semester and need to cut back on APO commitment (referred to as "Associate Membership"). Pledges have basically the same requirements, but with a few modifications. (See Pledge Requirements)