
Quiz # 1

1. What is the name of the Alpha Phi Omega chapter at the College of Charleston? 
Alpha Alpha Epsilon

2. What are the three cardinal principles of APhiO?
Leadership, Friendship, and Service

3. What is the motto of the fraternity?
 Be a Leader, Be a Friend, Be of Service

4. What is the supreme purpose of Alpha Phi Omega?
To Develop Friendship, To Promote Leadership, and To Provide Service to Humanity

5. List the Alpha Phi Omega Symbols:

Jewel: Diamond
Bird: Golden Eagle
Flower: Forget-me-not
Tree: Oak tree
Colors: Blue and Gold

6. Write out the toast song.

Here's to Alpha Phi Omega, Loyal brothers we,
True to self and to each other, firm in loyalty.
Daily working, daily striving, ever more to be,
Men of Alpha Phi Omega, our fraternity.
Brothers clasp the hands of brothers, strong the circle we,
Ever mindful ever serving all humanity.
Now we raise our grateful voices, in our song to thee.
Men of Alpha Phi Omega, may we always be.

Quiz # 2

1. Who founded the Alpha Alpha Epsilon Chapter?

2. When was our chapter founded?
April 20, 1980

3. What are this chapter's offices and officers?

VP Service:
VP Membership:
VP Admin:
Sunshine Chair:

4. Give one example of each executive office's duties.

President: ensures everyone is doing their job; does PR; keeps good relations with the college, the National Fraternity and other APO chapters

Treasurer: organizes fundraisers; keeps financial records

VP Service: organizes service projects; keeps contact with service organizations

VP Membership: assists pledges; organizes Pledge/Active

VP Admin: organizes fellowships; plans Activation

Secretary: takes minutes of meetings; keeps a record of brothers

Sunshine Chair: promotes good; sends birthday/get-well cards to brothers

5. What is our e-mail address?

6. How many consecutive semesters can a member be associate?  When are you first eligible to become an associate member?
One.  Must be active for one full semester before going associate.

Quiz # 3  

1. Who is this pledge class's namesake?

2. On what side of the collar is the service pin worn?

3. What are the pledge program objectives?
  • To introduce pledges to the fraternity
  • To inform about the past and present of the fraternity
  • To encourage leadership, friendship, and service
  • Trial period to determine if you want to join
4. Give four examples of National Pledging Standards.
  • No hazing during pledging
  • An appropriate period of pledging should be between 6 and 10 weeks
  • Education in chapter, campus, and fraternity history
  • The promotion of friendship
  • Providing service
  • The use of "pledge books"
  • Pledge projects
5. How many active meetings are pledges required to attend?

6. How many service hours are required for pledges?

7. What is the Deborah Woods Award?
The award given to the pledge who best demonstrates the motto and principles of Alpha Phi Omega. It is voted on by the pledges only.

Quiz # 4

1. Who founded the first national chapter?  When and where?
Frank Reed Horton, Lafayette College in 1925

2. When were women given membership?

3. Name 2 of the 5 other schools and their chapter name in our section.
  1. Clemson University- Gamma Lambda
  2. USC Columbia- Iota Mu
  3. The Citadel- Kappa Tau
  4. Georgia Southern University- Nu Epsilon
  5. Wofford College- Phi Zeta
 4. How many regions are there and what region are we in?  Who is our Regional Director?
  1. 11 regions, we are in region 4
 5. How many sections are there in our region and what section are we in?  Who is our Section Chair?
  1. 9 sections, we are in section 77
  6. Where is our National Office located and who is the current National President?
  1. Independence, MO

Quiz # 5

What are the 4 areas of service that we concentrate on?
Campus, community, nation, and fraternity

2. What is National Service Week?
A week where all APhiO chapters take a yearly theme and construct a high profile project for the community.

3.  What are the service requirements for active membership?
15 hours

4. Name 3 active service projects.

5. Name 1 service project that you would like to participate in that our Chapter has not recently participated in.


This last test is an essay that will be written on your experiences during your pledging semester.  There are certain items that should be included in the essay.  Outside this you are encouraged to write any thoughts and feelings you have about the fraternity, brothers, and your pledging experience.  Be creative.  Draw pictures, write poetry, add photos, don't feel restricted to these questions, but let them guide your creativeness:

1. Why did you initially pledge?
2. Is APhiO what you initially thought it would be?
3. Which of your pledge brothers are you closest to and why?
4. Which of your pledge brothers do you wish you had gotten closer to and why?
5. Which of the active brothers are you closest to and why?
6. Which of the active brothers do you wish you had gotten closer to and why?
7. Why do you think you should be asked to become a brother?

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